School-Based Rehabilitation Services occupational therapists and physiotherapists provide consultation for safety, mobility, access and participation in school activities. Urgent occupational or physiotherapy referrals to SBRS can be made when children cannot safely physically access the school/classrooms and/or require significant postural supports to participate (new or changed condition).
School-Based Rehabilitation Services speech-language pathologists address concerns with the physical production of speech (speech sound production, fluency/stuttering, resonance, and quality of voice). Language and social communication challenges are addressed by school boards. Children must demonstrate sufficient motivation, attention, behaviour, understanding of language, and cognitive ability to participate in a structured speech therapy session for a minimum of 30 minutes including the ability to imitate speech and revising their speech attempts based on feedback. The child must have purposeful expressive language, be primarily a verbal communicator (exclusive of severe motor coordination issues/apraxia of speech), and be able to take multiple conversational turns as both an initiator and responder.
Parents of children attending private schools or children who are homeschooled should inquire about available physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology services through Home and Community Care Support Services.